The raid dungeons in this game are to the extream, for instance, the most famous raid dungeon, Onyxia's lair, this boss is absolutey amazing, with the power to almost instanstly whipe out a large chunck of your party. Of course, a way to counter this and make it easier for yourself, is to join a guild, making it so you always have someone to help you. Really, the entire point of this game is to get people together to have fun, meaning you'll find yourself grouping more than most MMO's. If youre anything but a warrior, you'll find that right when you eave your first area, and after you hit six, it won't be easy to solo. The gameplay on this game is extreamly repeditive, you'll find yourself doing atleast 50 of what seems to be the same quest, you'll probaby be using the same abilities over and over again. The draenei, were allied with the orcs, two draenei, Archimonde, and Kil'jaedin, both turned to demons, Sargares, an evil titan, had them form an army called the burning legion, they curroupted many Draenei into a new demon race, the Eredar, so the thing is, they switched more than just classes, they also switched aliances. The odd thing about the Blood elves were high elves at first(until Arthas came and killed everyone), so they became the blood elves in signification of their dead bretheren, but back to the odd thing, they were good in the frozen throne, allied with humans. The Draenei(alliance) can be Shamans, and the Blood Elves(horde) can be palidans. All of the classes of this game are, Warrior, Rouge, Mage, Priest, Hunter, Warlock, and Palidans, an Alliance ony class, and Shaman, a Horde only race, The pladin and shaman thing wil change when the Burning Crusade expansion pack comes out.

Some races have diferent casses than others. Orc, Troll, Tauren, and Undead for the horde.

You first get to create a character, Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf for the alliance. And all the other alliance races are still in heavy turmoil. The Tauren stil roam the peacful land of Mulgore. The darkspear trolls are in lead by thier many witch doctors.

The orcish horde is in an alliance still with the Tauren, trolls, and surprisingly, the Undead Forsaken, the orcs are still lead by the mighty orc warchief, Thrall. The wors of Warcraft leads right off the engrossing and(in my opinion) better pregame, Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne, the Humans are in great conflict after loosing thier old kingdom Lorderon to the scourge, now under control of the Undead Forsaken. Well, all I can say for WoW is, It's better for an audience who likes semmingly repeditive things, not as repeditive as Runescape.